Monday, March 7, 2016

Using Outside Experts in PBL

One of the components of a Gold Standard PBL is a public product. Having a public product adds a layer of authenticity to the project that you don't get if you are only showcasing student work to the classroom teacher and other students in the class. 

The public product for display does not always have to be the student's finished work.  You can make the work public by bringing in outside experts to help students develop their products.  Bringing in the outside experts allows students to work with people who "know" about the work.  These experts can act as mentors, guides and advisors to the students by giving them guidance, information and feedback.  

See how Tristian Richardson, an 8th-grade teacher at Blythewood Middle School, used experts in her class to help students as they tackled the question "How can we best support the homeless population of SC?" 

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